T.W. Lewis Foundation

Our Community

T.W. Lewis Foundation proudly supports the following nonprofit organizations helping children and families.

Greater Phoenix now has almost five million people. But in order to thrive as a community we need a wide and diverse group of private organizations that support and enhance a positive way of life. The French traveler Alexis de Tocqueville marveled in the 1830’s that in France and England the government oversaw most great undertakings, but in America it was the private organizations that created and supported hospitals, churches, schools, and other cultural institutions. Unfortunately, many of these organizations struggle to sustain funding each year.

It is important to our citizens that these organizations remain healthy. They give metro Phoenix its heart and soul and make it a place where people want to live. T.W. Lewis Foundation is proud to act in the American tradition of supporting these private nonprofit organizations that are necessary for our healthy community.

We encourage you to support these groups or other groups that make for a thriving and healthy community.

"The best thing you can do for yourself is to do something for others. This leads to a richer, deeper, and more meaningful life."

Tom Lewis