T.W. Lewis Foundation

Children & Families

T.W. Lewis Foundation proudly supports the following nonprofit organizations helping children and families.


Metropolitan Phoenix is well known for its sunshine, its leisure activities, and its bustling economy. And it’s a wonderful place to live. But many of our children and families are suffering and are unable to take advantage of what Phoenix has to offer. Although hundreds of local nonprofit organizations and thousands of volunteers are doing great work, the needs of these children and families are growing faster than our capacity to help them. Our community’s most serious social problems include hunger, homelessness, drug addiction, unemployment, and loss of hope. These conditions lead to personal despair, broken families, domestic violence, child abuse, poor school performance, and too many children in foster care. Federal and state governments have tried to address these problems for over 50 years, but they have failed, as these problems have gotten worse in recent years. It is time for the private and nonprofit sectors to step up. T.W. Lewis Foundation believes that strong individuals and strong families are the bedrock of our society, and that every child has the right to realize their God-given potential. For these reasons, T.W. Lewis Foundation is committed to supporting individuals and families so that they can become the best they can be. The non-profit organizations we support are among the most effective at serving children and families in need. Please contact them directly to volunteer or make a much needed donation.

Educating Our Youth

T.W. Lewis Foundation proudly supports the following educational nonprofit organizations.

Guidance Inside and Outside the Classroom

Our community is home to many healthy churches and places of worship and has an abundance of activities for our youth. But Phoenix is not immune to the creeping secular trend that has led to a nationwide decline in organized religion and church attendance. This secular trend has had serious consequences, including a lack of traditional Judeo-Christian moral training and character development. The absence of learning about absolute truths has further led to an epidemic of loneliness, anxiety, and depression among our youth. Because personal character is a requirement for leading a successful and happy life, T.W. Lewis Foundation strives to provide our youth with character-building education both inside and outside the classroom. We seek to cultivate honest, hard-working, young adults who will become the cornerstones of tomorrow’s healthy families and strong communities. We want our youth to ask the question. “What kind of person do I want to become?” rather than focusing only on “What do I want to do when I grow up?” The organizations we support help young people learn the important life lessons and are grounded in Judeo-Christian values. They are imparted in various settings, from youth sports and summer camp to Bible studies and civic education opportunities. The young men and women who participate in these activities will develop a better understanding of their moral and civic responsibilities. And they will become the good parents, neighbors, and citizens of tomorrow. The non-profit organizations we support are among the most effective at personal character development. Please contact them directly to volunteer or make a much needed donation.

Civic & Cultural

T.W. Lewis Foundation proudly supports the following civic and cultural nonprofit organizations.

Our Community

Greater Phoenix now has almost five million people. But in order to thrive as a community we need a wide and diverse group of private organizations that support and enhance a positive way of life. The French traveler Alexis de Tocqueville marveled in the 1830’s that in France and England the government oversaw most great undertakings, but in America it was the private organizations that created and supported hospitals, churches, schools, and other cultural institutions. Unfortunately, many of these organizations struggle to sustain funding each year.

It is important to our citizens that these organizations remain healthy. They give metro Phoenix its heart and soul and make it a place where people want to live. T.W. Lewis Foundation is proud to act in the American tradition of supporting these private nonprofit organizations that are necessary for our healthy community.

We encourage you to support these groups or other groups that make for a thriving and healthy community.

Strengthening America

T.W. Lewis Foundation proudly supports the following nonprofit organizations that help strengthen America.

Our Country

America was founded on the values of freedom, faith, and family. These are written into our DNA and into our founding documents, and we as Americans have taken great pride in our country. America is exceptional because it was founded on the principles of freedom, limited government, separation of powers, and a respect for each individual and their inalienable God-given rights.

But, as the great American experiment in democracy approaches its 250th anniversary, we have seen a dramatic decline in the understanding of the principles embedded in the Declaration of Independence, the Constitution, the Bill of Rights, and even the Bible. We have also seen an erosion in the general understanding of our free enterprise system. As a result of this decline, we are experiencing:

  • Less civility and virtue in our society
  • Less active citizenship and patriotism
  • Overreach and ineffectiveness of our Federal government
  • Attacks on many of our freedoms

These developments threaten the health and future of our beloved country as they feed the bitterness and rancor that are impacting our political and popular culture. Because we want to see the American people and the American system flourish, T.W. Lewis Foundation is committed to supporting and defending America’s founding principles.

We encourage you to support these organizations in promoting and defending America’s founding principles.

"The best thing you can do for yourself is to do something for others. This leads to a richer, deeper, and more meaningful life."
Tom Lewis